With excellent customer service from the offset, our process starts by working closely with businesses to learn and understand their company objectives. We start with this as we strongly believe it is this method that allows us to create bespoke, engaging and impactful websites that are in line with your brand guidelines and sales and marketing objectives. Whether you want it to convert leads, increase sales or drive traffic, your website will be designed to achieve your unique business goals. At Cedar, our teams have years of experience working with businesses from multiple disciplines, to provide modern content management and e-commerce websites.
We understand that in order to captivate users and increase engagement levels and sales conversations, fantastic visuals are essential to keep audiences captivated. We also want to make sure that navigation is made easy for the customer’s journey, the look and feel of a website will catch the attention of a potential customer, but user-friendliness is crucial for achieving conversions.
At Cedar we ensure a perfect equilibrium of these two essential design phases, resulting in a unique experience for users. We’ll coach you on the best features to highlight and create designs that have the user in mind, along with smooth navigation to warrant conversations from your website.